Monday, October 20, 2008


Today I did laundry.  I miss the on campus laundry rooms, where I rarely saw another human being, and didn't have to worry about someone stealing my clothes, and it only cost me $1.50 to do a whole load of laundry!  Now it costs me $1.75 just to wash a load at the laundromat next door which is noisy, and full of people.  Then I have to dry my clothes (another $.75 at least) and lug it back to my apartment.  It is unpleasant.  I wish I had a clothesline...

Good Lord Timm[ie].  That's all I have to say.  Nice to see you found me.

1 comment:

DDRKirby(ISQ) said...

I get to do my laundry for FREE here! and even better, this year the laundry room is in the same building that I live in, AND there's an elevator down there from the 3rd floor where I live! So now I can drag my 2 huge bags of clothing (I used to only use 1 bag, but 2 is much better...I have a LOT of clothes) over to the elevator and then proceed to do 4 loads at once. Of course this is all at 4:00 AM...